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Dacil Castelo participates in the Conference ISMA 11 at Brazil

Dacil Castelo participates in the Conference ISMA 11 at Brazil

18 November, 2015 | reading < 1 min.

Dacil Castelo, Director of Productivity and Estimations in LEDAmc, has presented at ISMA 11, the anual conference of IFPUG organized by the company TI Metricas at Sao Paulo, the updated LEDAmc’s benchmarking under the title “Software Rates vs Price of Function Points: An updated cost analysis. Ver presentaciones

Seminar at Madrid: “Software Productivity and Quality. Efficiency Governance”

Seminar at Madrid: “Software Productivity and Quality. Efficiency Governance”

11 November, 2015 | reading 3 min.

On the past November 11th, LEDAmc and Computer World organized at Hesperia Hotel in Madrid, with the collaboration of CAST and NESMA (Ton Dekkers), the seminar titled “Software Productivity and Quality. Efficiency Governance See Schedule The presentations during the seminar were the following: Presentation: “BENCHMARKING ABOUT THE RISK IN CRITICAL APPLICATIONS: Is the Market allways […]

Seminar at Colombia “Innovation in the IT Governance”

Seminar at Colombia “Innovation in the IT Governance”

02 July, 2015 | reading 3 min.

After three years in Colombia, LEDAmc organizes its second seminar under the theme “Innovation in the IT Governance” providing to the current knowledge the key elements if the IT governance in the Colombian reality. See Schedule Seminar organized by LEDAmc on the 2nd of July 2015 focused towards the innovations in the governance of information […]