Software quality

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Saving Costs in Software Development Without Sacrificing Quality 

03 September, 2024 | reading 4 min.

What if we told you that the best way to save costs without sacrificing quality is to invest in the quality of your developments? You might think we’re crazy but keep reading to find out how this is the best way to achieve your goal. And we can already tell you that it doesn’t mean […]

News title "Facilitating User Experience: Usability in Software" over the image of a tablet and laptop with interface design.

Enhancing User Experience: Usability in Software

02 November, 2023 | reading 4 min.

Let’s start at the beginning… What is usability?   Before addressing its importance in software development, we need to understand its meaning. What does USABILITY mean? This word comes from “usable”, which means “available or convenient for use. Capable of being used”. In Spanish “usabilidad” has not yet been accepted by the RAE, although it […]

Imagen de fondo del evento VLCTesting 2023 con título de la presentación de LedaMC UAT Cross como eslabón fundamental del proceso agile

We presented at VLCTesting 2023 why a “UAT Cross team is a fundamental link in the Agile process”

29 September, 2023 | reading 3 min.

During the past 27th and 28th of September, the city of Valencia hosted the VLCTesting 2023 event, the largest software testing festival in Spain. Organised by the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI), the event brought together experts and professionals from the world of software testing in an environment of learning and exchange of experiences.  Under […]

CIO Panel for LedaMC 20 Anniversary

LedaMC’s CIO Panel: Celebrating 20 Years of Journey through the Software Measurement Galaxy

02 June, 2023 | reading 5 min.

LedaMC celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a CIO Panel at the Luchana theaters in Madrid on May 25th. The event addressed topics such as quality, agility, and talent retention. Employees, clients, and friends of the company attended, including representatives from well-known companies like Vodafone, OEPM, Repsol, Redeia, Orange, Mapfre, ONCE, and Correos, among others. Rafael […]

Cost reduction in software development

The European Union method for cost reduction in software development.

10 November, 2020 | reading < 1 min.

The announcement Dacil Castelo, CEO of Leda MC and Quanter, explains in this video the impact that the European Parliament announcement recommending the function points methodology for sizing of software activities has on the word of software development tenders in order to reduce costs and achieve more transparency. This announcement was not the consequence of […]