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Image depicting IT provider management as a perfectly functioning cog in the wheel

IT Provider Management: Keys to Success in the Era of Generative AI 

05 February, 2025 | reading 3 min.

Achieving effective IT provider management can sometimes seem unattainable. Not only do you need to choose the best partner for your project, but you must also maintain a mutually trusting relationship, ensuring that this collaboration guarantees the agreed-upon results. Although it may sound difficult, when done correctly, it significantly contributes to an organization’s success and […]

Alejandro Hernández is the new representative of LedaMC on the ISBSG Board of Directors

21 October, 2024 | reading < 1 min.

Alejandro Hernández, Account Manager at LedaMC, has been appointed as LedaMC’s new representative on the ISBSG (International Software Benchmarking Standards Group) Board of Directors. In addition, he will assume the role of Honorary Treasurer of this renowned organization. Alejandro succeeds our Chief Operating Officer, Raúl Fernández, who has been a member of the ISBSG Board […]

LedaMC and Quanter at the ISMA 22 Conference in Madrid

09 October, 2024 | reading 5 min.

The ISMA 22 Conference, organized by the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), returned to Madrid on October 4th, after a 10-year absence. For LedaMC, it was an honour to actively participate in this event, which was also the first in-person edition since the pandemic. Held at the Crowne Plaza Madrid Centre Retiro, the conference […]

LedaMC referente Benchmarking

IFPUG certifies LedaMC as the first worldwide reference company for IT project benchmarking

30 March, 2022 | reading 2 min.

At LedaMC we have always been clear about the importance of Benchmarking for the software development industry, seeing it as one of the main tools in favor of efficiency. It is a tool that has been used in other sectors since long ago. Such is the case of Toyota and the development of its Lean […]

Optimise your development investment with benchmarking

7 Steps to Conducting a Perfect Software Development Project Benchmarking

15 March, 2022 | reading 2 min.

Nowadays, many companies invest a significant amount of resources in software development activities. But what if I told you that these investments can be optimized by knowing each organization’s reference productivity to compare it with market standards? Well, that’s called benchmarking. Below, we explain the 7 steps to conduct a perfect benchmarking of software development […]


LedaMC becomes a global benchmark in Benchmarking

10 March, 2022 | reading 2 min.

LedaMC has just received international recognition for its benchmarking processes by the IFPUG Organization. Let’s go step by step, first of all … What is Benchmarking and what is it for? In a world as competitive as the one we live in, having accurate and reliable data is essential for companies to make the best […]

Compare yourself with what the market is doing

07 October, 2020 | reading 3 min.

How do we know if we are paying the right price for our developments? When a company makes a large development investment, the first question that comes up is, am I paying a fair price for what I get? In the IT world this uncertainty is constant as not everyone is able to accurately measure […]

ISBSG IT Confidence 2020

08 September, 2020 | reading 2 min.

ISBSG Confidence 2020 is the most important event worldwide regarding software development project estimates. These directly affect the cost savings of these projects, so their conclusions are always very interesting for the industry. This year it has been held in an online format in two days to keep the event running and to keep contributing […]