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Imagen de fondo del evento VLCTesting 2023 con título de la presentación de LedaMC UAT Cross como eslabón fundamental del proceso agile

We presented at VLCTesting 2023 why a “UAT Cross team is a fundamental link in the Agile process”

29 September, 2023 | reading 3 min.

During the past 27th and 28th of September, the city of Valencia hosted the VLCTesting 2023 event, the largest software testing festival in Spain. Organised by the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI), the event brought together experts and professionals from the world of software testing in an environment of learning and exchange of experiences.  Under […]

Advantages, disadvantages and limitations of software metrics

Unveiling the mystery of software metrics: advantages, disadvantages and implementation

07 September, 2023 | reading 3 min.

software projects. But perhaps now you are asking yourself other questions, such as… What is the use of these metrics going to bring me? How can I implement them in my organization? We are going to see the advantages of their use, but also the limitations that we may encounter. Read on! Advantages and limitations […]

Photo with title of the article "Unveiling the Mystery of Software Metrics: A Guide to Understanding Function Points, SNAP, COSMIC, Nesma, and SFP

Unveiling the Mystery of Software Metrics: A Guide to Understanding Function Points, SNAP, COSMIC, Nesma, and SFP

23 August, 2023 | reading 5 min.

Are you feeling lost in the complex world of software metrics? Do not worry, this guide will help you understand the differences between the different methods such as Function Points, SNAP, COSMIC, Nesma and SFP in a simple way.  Whether you are a developer, project manager or just interested in learning more about how software […]

LedaMC a journey that started 20 years ago

LedaMC, a journey that started 20 years ago

23 May, 2023 | reading 4 min.

That is right! This LedaMC journey already started 20 years ago. A goal that is not so easy to achieve and that deserves an incredibly special celebration. That is the reason we are hosting a special event for our 20th Anniversary that we will reveal by the end of this article. But first we would […]

LedaMC new ITI partner

LedaMC becomes an ITI partner to create new common synergies 

05 April, 2023 | reading < 1 min.

We are proud to announce that we have recently signed our new role as an ITI Associate. Our common goal with this association is the development of IT through software metrics that allow us to improve the efficiency and costs of software developments and the preparation of quality tests for our clients and their members.  […]

Round Table - Software Development Outsourcing 2023

Software Development Outsourcing 2023 – Roundtable discussion

21 November, 2022 | reading 3 min.

Taking software development vendors outsourcing as a starting point, the participating companies had the opportunity to discuss market trends and best practices, the different vendor contracting models, Agile projects, flexibility, the relationship between rates and quality, and the challenges in relation to attracting, and retaining talent today. All this was part of the round table […]


3 Risks of downsizing software development vendors

21 July, 2022 | reading 3 min.

Are you thinking of reducing your software vendors? In this article we tell you what are the 3 risks of doing it

Cost reduction in software development

The European Union method for cost reduction in software development.

10 November, 2020 | reading < 1 min.

The announcement Dacil Castelo, CEO of Leda MC and Quanter, explains in this video the impact that the European Parliament announcement recommending the function points methodology for sizing of software activities has on the word of software development tenders in order to reduce costs and achieve more transparency. This announcement was not the consequence of […]


How to recover control and reduce your IT costs

20 October, 2020 | reading 3 min.

Shall we get renewed? We have been talking about the digital transformation of companies for a long time. Some got on the boat a few years ago, others took a little longer, there are even those that haven’t started yet. What is clear is that in the middle of the COVID era, we have to […]