Download the guide to reach excellence in 2023

Cover of "Your Compass towards Excellence"

In this selection of articles from media such as El Economista, El Español, Canal CEO, Revista Byte, among others, you will discover the strategies that we help our clients to follow in order to achieve success in 2023 in the management of software development suppliers:

  • The success story of Redeia, how it has achieved to improve the cost of its software development in the midst of the pandemic and after it.
  • The 3 dangers of downsizing software development suppliers.
  • Improving productivity in the post-pandemic era.
  • The death of Scrum, long live Agile 2.0!
  • Ferran Adrià and the NFT and many more insights.

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    A compass for turbulent times

    Dácil Castelo de la Torre

    Dácil Castelo de la Torre



    We live in complex and uncertain times, which has made it difficult, among other things, to find the most appropriate way to remain competitive.

    At LedaMC our commitment is to help our clients to be competitive, and with these lessons learned we have prepared this guide so that you can do the same. As a leading international company in the management of efficiency and quality in the product-based software development process, we show you the keys to achieve excellence.

    I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you find your compass towards excellence in these turbulent times.


    Software Development Market Report 2023


    This report is for customers like you who daily ask themselves questions such as: Which technology is the most productive? Is it also the cheapest? If not, which one is the most productive? Does it depend only on the technology, only on the supplier, or both? Does the quality of the developments play a role?

    This report gets the answers based on information from the market, i.e. from companies like yours, developing in the same technologies as you, with the same suppliers as you, under the same conditions as you.

    Request it now!
    Software Development Market Report 2023 - Quanter

    LedaMC, the first and only organisation worldwide to be certified for benchmarking by IFPUG

    LedaMC becomes a worldwide reference in IT project benchmarking

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